Read about Carter Security Solutions, Carter Staffing Solutions, and Carter Consultancy Services, including company events, security industry news, and insights as well as career advice and recruitment solutions.

We understand that organising for your business premises or event to have SIA licensed security guards comes at a cost. We will always ensure our...
The nights are getting darker, the days are certainly getting colder and there are already whispers of Christmas in the air. Secret Santa names are...
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We hope by now you're familiar with our culture of appreciating our staff and making sure that hard work and dedication, as well as teamwork and...
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That's right, it's that time of year where community bonfire nights get planned in, bringing crowds together to watch the sky light up with...
I've always been taught in business to show appreciation, gratitude, respect and recognise the outstanding team players around me that...
Halloween is almost here, and that means trick or treating, pumpkin carving and dressing up! But did you also know that Halloween sees crime levels...
Firework displays really are a great way to get the local community together. It means wrapping up warm with scarves and gloves, putting on an...
A recent article from Security Magazine got our attention this week, titled, '
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Drones are growing in popularity, and it's easy to see why. They're relatively inexpensive, quick and easy to set up, and with a bit of practice,...
'Ask for Angela' is a brilliant code-word campaign for people feeling unsafe in a venue. It allows both men and women to approach a member of...