A busy weekend ahead for our door supervisors…
For many, this weekend marks a four-day weekend to enjoy with friends and family. For our door supervisors, it will most likely be a particularly busy weekend!
Manned Guarding: A guide on what to expect
If you’re thinking about how to protect your business, manned guarding is perhaps the most effective way of deterring criminals, making it one of the most proactive security measures that you can take.
Poor weather conditions highlight the need for quality security
There are a number of reasons why security services such as manned guarding and mobile patrols are preferable in bad weather…
Longer, darker nights lead to increased security risks
It will come as no surprise that from November to January, businesses typically see almost a 30% rise in robberies. As nights get longer, thieves get bolder, taking advantage of the colder, darker nights to gain entry to your business.
Manned Guarding is our most popular security service, but what does it entail?
Working outdoors is part of the job when it comes to mobile patrols, manned guarding and door supervisors, and that means whatever the weather, we...