Your Security Checklist for 2022

Posted 31st December 2021 by Jessica Lee

New year, new you? How about: new year, new focus on security? If security hasn’t previously been part of your yearly budget allowance, now is the time to set that straight. Challenges to businesses in the face of potential future lockdowns and staff absences mean an increased need for a quality security provider. If the below security considerations aren’t already on your checklist for 2022, now’s the perfect time to add them.

Install or review your CCTV

When was the last time you considered your CCTV and its performance? If you don’t currently have CCTV installed at your business premises, pick up the phone and talk to us. We’ll consider the nature of your business and your location as well as your budget to recommend a CCTV system that works for your needs.

If you already have CCTV installed, now is the time to review it. 

•    Are all of your cameras working and in good condition? 
•    Is there anything blocking the view of the cameras? E.g. shrubs and trees, dirt or scratches, new buildings, or overflowing rubbish?
•    Has your business grown or downsized, causing CCTV camera placements to be reviewed?
•    Who is monitoring your CCTV cameras and do you need security officers in place to quickly respond to anything suspicious they might pick up?

Check your perimeters

Trespassing, vandalism, and theft all rely on criminals accessing your property when they shouldn’t be able. Have you taken every precaution necessary to make this as difficult as possible for them? If you make it as hard as possible, they’ll likely pick an easier target, saving your business of the stress and cost of damages and theft.

There are a number of things you can do – 

•    Check your fencing along your perimeters, ensuring it is high and sturdy.
•    Trim back trees and other hedgerows that could assist someone trying to break in.
•    Ensure locks and gateways aren’t rusted and are in good condition.
•    Test your alarms, are they working exactly as they should be?
•    Review who can access through your gateways. E.g. who are your keyholders? Have keys been copied? When was the last time you changed your access codes?
•    Consider mobile patrols and manned guarding to monitor and patrol your perimeters.

We can support you with security officers to be keyholders, or an alarm response team. We also have manned guarding and mobile patrol security officers that can be contracted to keep your business safe, day or night.

For more information on how we can advise you on security at your business throughout 2022, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with a member of our team. We look forward to hearing from you.
If you’re looking to further your career within the security industry, please check on our website or email us an up-to-date copy of your C.V. We never subcontract, we invest in training, and we work hard to support our staff. You will need to hold a valid SIA license before applying.