Trick or treat? There’s nothing scary about CSS Ltd security guards!

Posted 29th October 2018 by sduksilverdisc

Halloween is almost here, and that means trick or treating, pumpkin carving and dressing up! But did you also know that Halloween sees crime levels increase across the country? That's right, it seems some people see dressing up for Halloween as an excellent excuse to hide their face with a whimsical mask in order to commit crimes.

Stay safe this Halloween

The nights are darker, and whether you're planning on taking the children trick or treating, or heading off to a themed party, it's important to put your personal safety first. Vandalism can be a real issue too, with reports last year stating that pumpkins were thrown through windows and eggs were thrown out of cars at passers-by. We're sure you'd agree that it's such a shame when festivities can take a turn for the worse, causing upset and damage along the way.

If you do decide to go trick or treating, there are a few simple steps you can take to keep safe from 'ghosts' and 'ghouls' during this 'terrifying' time!

  1. Plan your route and if possible, go with a group of friends. Safety in numbers is a real thing!
  2. Don't knock on strangers doors asking to 'trick or treat', and respect signs that ask you not to. It's important to respect the privacy of those who live close by.
  3. Make sure your costume doesn't hinder your ability to see or move. Should an incident occur, it's important to be able to react appropriately. Being able to see clearly is important for road safety too, as well as seeing who is around you.
  4. Stay to well-lit areas if possible.
  5. If you see something suspicious, report it to the police immediately.

For more tips about personal safety, visit our blog.

How can CSS Ltd help

We offer a 24/7 service and that can include mobile patrols on your business premises throughout the night. Halloween might be a frightening time to be out at night for some, but for our team, it's simply 'another day at the office'!

The increased risk of vandalism at this time of year, and the longer, colder nights, means having a security presence you can trust is even more important. Not only can our security officers handle a situation with promptness and professionalism, but their clearly marked uniforms act as an excellent deterrent to crime. All of our security guards are fitted with a body camera too. If someone knows that a security team is on site and that their actions will be caught on camera, it's much less likely for them to offend.

We work hard with each and every one of our clients to put together a security package that is right for their business. The size of the premises, the level of security and the number of guards required will all be dependent on a client's needs and budget.

We hope that you all have a wonderful Halloween and that everyone stays safe during this 'spooky' period. For more information on how we can help, please don't hesitate to get in touch with a member of our team.

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