Operating with integrity

Posted 5th September 2018 by sduksilverdisc

We like to stay up to date with industry news, and whilst we understand that you can't trust everything you read online, we were disappointed to see a number of stories surface over the week.Stories included security guards uploading inappropriate videos online, abusing their position of trust and not helping members of the public in need. In our opinion, these security guards were not operating with integrity -- a trait we look for in every security guard who wears the CSS Ltd uniform.

Staying professional outside of the security industry

When you're at work, it's much easier to understand what's expected of you. You need to be in the right uniform, you understand your role and responsibilities and should an incident occur, there's a clear protocol to follow.

But what about when you're not at work? Simply put, when you finish your shift, you don't cease to be employed. In our eyes, this means you're very much still an employee. We respect that personal circumstances can affect work, and we do all we can to support staff through a personal crisis whether they are at work or at home. In the same way, we expect our staff to respect the reputation we've worked hard to achieve, and this means staying professional outside of the workplace too.

Security guards are in a position of trust

Many of our security guards are trusted to be on sites that might be prohibited to the general public, that's a big responsibility. They might be trusted with keys to a building, or be in close contact with people who may be under the influence of alcohol. It goes without saying that this trust shouldn't be abused and that security guards should never breach the trust of their clients. A security officer should be a trusted member of the community, whether they're in uniform or not, and we work hard with each and every member of our team to ensure that this is the case.

Being a decent member of the community

The training we provide ensures our security officers are well equipped to deal with the physical, emotional and legal ramifications should they find themselves a witness to a potentially distressing situation. Whilst we would never want to compromise the safety of our staff, we would hope they would be able to use their expertise to assist a member of the public if they were able to do so.

We strongly believe that the above is hugely important, and we work hard to ensure our staff know what is expected of them both in the workplace and in their own time. It's for this reason that we never subcontract, as we feel this creates distance between us and our security guards, and in doing so you can lose control over who is representing your business. We hope the news stories this week are a one-off and that everyone involved has the support they need to recover.

For more information on what to expect when hiring security from CSS Ltd, please contact a member of the team. Alternatively, if you'd like to join our team, please contact our head office on 01945 897377 to discuss opportunities.

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