Keep your event goers safe this summer

Posted 6th June 2019 by sduksilverdisc

If you're organising an event this summer, security should be at the very top of your list. It's not just a necessity, it's an expectation from everyone attending. No matter whether you're planning a music festival, summer fete, food festival, corporate celebration, indoors or outdoors, security needs to be your first consideration. There are four key parts to event security, and Carter Solutions and Services Limited is well rehearsed in every possible aspect.

1.Car park management

From the moment your event goers arrive, there could be trouble. Car parking situations can easily go from a trickle of vehicles to a mad mess of mud, queuing and blocking people in. You can avoid this by having trained security professionals present from the start. First impressions really do count for everything, and having a streamlined car parking system that allows your guests to easily park up will set the tone for the rest of the event.

2.Vehicle access/exit points

Have you considered how your event goers will arrive on site? Will you need to manage local traffic as well? Perhaps more importantly, do you have a quick way for emergency response vehicles to get on site should the police, ambulance service or fire service need to be called? Prior preparation in this area can make the difference between situations being handled quickly, quietly and effectively and situations escalating out of control.

3.Crowd control

From checking tickets to checking ID, our security officers know exactly what is needed for crowd control. The trick is managing a large number of people in a calm and professional way, and to be easily recognisable in the process. More often than not, having security guards visible is all you need to keep event goers behaving. Their presence is even more valued when it comes to the end of the event, guiding people to the exits to ensure everyone can get home safely after having a great time. It might also mean restricting access to certain areas of the venue. Our security officers can work with you to determine exactly what type of crowd control would be suitable at your event.


Unfortunately, sometimes the balance can tip, and conflicts can arise over the most trivial of things when people are having just a little bit too much fun. Our security officers are highly trained to step in before conflict becomes a problem, but even if things do escalate, our team are hugely effective at getting a situation back under control. We operate expertly within the confines of the law and understand how best to use our authority in troublesome situations.

For more information on how we can provide a quality security service at your next event, please don't hesitate to get in touch.

Alternatively, if you're looking to further your career within the security industry, and you think you have what it take to be part of the Carter Solutions and Services Limited team, please check the careers section on our website. We look forward to hearing from you.

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