How to interview successfully for a security guard position

Posted 6th September 2018 by sduksilverdisc

If you already have experience as a security officer, then you'll have a good idea of what is expected of you -- but it's always worth checking what a prospective new employer will be looking for in a successful candidate. We hope the below tips will be useful!

1.     Be confident

By confident, we certainly don't mean arrogant! What we mean is that we need security guards that can confidently take on a security contract, knowing how to conduct themselves at all times. We want someone who can hold their own, stand up for what is right and not be afraid to speak up should they need to. We want someone who will be proud to wear the CSS Ltd uniform and respect their clients, and the public. A security officer has a clear position of trust and therefore we need that individual to be confident in their own abilities, so we can be confident in them too!

2.     Be prepared

This is a simple step that all interviewees should do, but many fail! Preparation can include:

  • Printing an up to date CV and bringing it with you

Whilst you would have already submitted your CV, we'd recommend bringing it with you as well so it is easy to hand should you need to refer to your qualifications or previous experience.

  • Do your research!

How much do you know about CSS Ltd? Do you know our key values and a brief history of how we started? Knowing this information will show you're interested in the company, not just the job, and will help you to stand apart from the other candidates.

  • Dress the part

Whilst you don't need to be wearing a full suit for an interview, it's worth preparing in advance what you're going to wear to ensure you're smart, presentable and dressed to impress. First impressions count, so make sure your interview outfit is memorable, for the right reasons!

3.     Remember where you are!

Whilst we'll do our best to put you at ease during the interview, never forget where you are! Try not to swear, try not to talk badly of previous employers and do your best to remain professional. We want you to feel like you can relax, but remember that you are still in an interview.

4.     Ask questions

Whether it's about specific training that we offer, to the type of contract we create for our clients, having a few questions ready to ask will help you feel more prepared and show that you're interested in the business and your personal development too.

For more information on our job vacancies, please visit our careers page on our website. We look forward to hearing from you and wish you the very best of luck.

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