A fast, reliable and honest security service

Posted 12th March 2019 by sduksilverdisc

At CSS Ltd live and breathe security. We train our security officers to understand the individual needs of every client and we work with our clients to develop tailor-made security contracts that are both cost-effective and practical. For many, this includes our alarm response service, and we're proud to offer a fast, reliable and honest alarm response service.

Our alarm response service is a great way to ensure the safety of your business premises out of hours if you don't want to invest in door supervisors or mobile patrols. Whilst it's a reactive service, rather than a proactive one, it's important to know you have the very best, and that's where we come in.

A fast security service

When it comes to alarm response, speed is everything. You want to be confident that the security officers on call will react quickly, so you'll be pleased to know that our officers will be dispatched in a marked vehicle the moment they're alerted. What's more, they will be quick to react when they arrive. This might mean alerting the local authorities, detaining an individual until the police arrive, or securing the premises from someone trying to gain unauthorised entry -- hence triggering the alarm. Their quick thinking and professional actions make it much safer to hire an alarm response team than rush to the area yourself.

A reliable security service

Every alarm matters. We will attend after an alarm is sounded, no questions asked. Our experience and expertise mean we're reliable and professional, and we would treat your business just as we would treat our own. It doesn't matter if the weather is miserable, it doesn't matter if its pitch black outside and it doesn't matter if we were called out to an alarm the day before. We're hugely proud of our reputation of being trusted and reliable.

An honest security service

Part of every job is reporting back to the client about each shift. We believe this makes us an honest security service. There's no hidden agenda and there's total transparency in the qualification every CSS Ltd security guard has -- for example, every CSS Ltd security officer holds an SIA Licence, and we never subcontract to ensure a high level of security on every client contract.

We are also proud of the reporting that every security officer completes at the end of each shift. This means if we are called out to your property after an alarm has sounded, you can expect a full report of what happened once we arrived on site. We believe this builds trust, demonstrates competency and shows us to be an honest security service worthy of your business.

For more information on how we can provide a quality alarm response at your business, please don't hesitate to get in touch.

Alternatively, if you're looking to further your career within the security industry, please check the careers section on our website.


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