5 Great Qualities of a CSS Ltd Door Supervisor

Posted 8th January 2019 by sduksilverdisc

When you hire a door supervisor service from CSS Ltd you will get outstanding service. You'll receive a contract that suits your business and an individual, or indeed individuals, that understand your business needs and understand your industry.

It goes without saying that they will all have access to Deputy, our way of remotely managing our staff, and that all of our staff will be SIA licensed. We'd also like to reiterate that we never subcontract staff, instead preferring to work with each and every member of our team so they know exactly what is expected of them and to ensure quality across the board.

Which bring us to the subject title of this blog, the 5 great qualities of a CSS Ltd door supervisor:

1.They need to be professional

Professionalism means plenty of things. It means understanding your role and respecting boundaries. It means dressing in the right way, with the right equipment and the right uniform, and it means being punctual. The importance of professionalism should never be underestimated, which is exactly why we've placed it at the very top of the list.

2.Every door supervisor is highly trained

Training is something we take very seriously. Whether your industry is in the commercial sector, hospitality or the licensed gaming industry, you can be confident that a door supervisor from CSS Ltd will have the right training to do their job properly. We have a purpose built training facility at our head office in Wisbech and always encourage our staff to go above and beyond what is expected of them when it comes to training. This might include anything from conflict management training or first aid training.

3.You can expect someone approachable

Door supervisors will undoubtedly interact with members of the public, and therefore, in order for them to do their job to the best of their ability, it's important that they always remain approachable. If someone is in trouble, they can 'Ask for Angela', or if someone simply needs advice or information, they can talk to one of our door supervisors.

4.They will always be observant

Being observant is a vital quality that every door supervisor should possess. It can make the difference between a conflict escalating and being quietly resolved. It can diffuse situations quickly, reduce the risk of violence and help in ensuring the safety of your staff, guests or members of the public.

5.It's important to be confident and assertive

It's a delicate balance between being assertive and being mistakenly aggressive. Every single one of our door supervisors understand this vital difference and can therefore be seen as authoritative figures capable of confidently acting within the constraints of the law when it comes to conflict management.

For more information on how our door supervisors can work with your business or venue, please don't hesitate to contact a member of the team. We look forward to hearing from you.

Alternatively, if you'd like to progress your career in the security sector, please send in your most up to date C.V. for consideration.


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