4 Key personality traits found in all quality Security Guards

Posted 27th July 2018 by sduksilverdisc

They must be professional

From the uniform they wear, to their training, to the way they conduct themselves -- security guards must be professional at all times. Door supervisors are often the first people you meet, and as such they are responsible for setting the tone of your business establishment. First impressions count, further highlighting the importance of all security guards remaining professional, from the moment you meet them to the moment you leave.

They must be resilient

Unfortunately, sometimes security guards are subjected to negativity from the general public. Some people simply don't like authority and as such will view security guards in a bad light. Perhaps a security officer has needed to step in to calm a scuffle, or maybe they need to refuse someone entry because they don't meet the entry requirement or fail to produce a valid ticket. Whatever the reason, security guards need to be resilient individuals who know not to take comments to heart -- always remaining calm and professional.

They must be approachable

Have you heard of the campaign: 'Ask For Angela'? This scheme allows individuals who could be feeling threatened or unsafe to use this code to bar staff, or indeed security staff. They will then be taken aside or to a safe location so they can speak in confidence and receive the help and support they need. Maybe they're being pestered by someone or a group of people, maybe they're on a date with someone who isn't who they thought they were. Whatever the reason, it's important for people to feel safe and have a way of avoiding what could potentially be a dangerous situation -- hence the 'Ask For Angela' initiative.

Maintaining the safety of the general public is of paramount importance, and a huge responsibility! It requires a security presence that's approachable so people know they can put their trust in door supervisors and security officers to keep them safe should they need to ask for help.

They must be reliable

A security presence needs to be just that -- present. It's no good expecting a door supervisor who fails to turn up on time, or at all! Reliability is therefore a huge personality trait that we expect in each and every one of our security guards. We rely on them to do an outstanding job and maintain the reputation that CSS Ltd has worked hard to build.

For more information on our security guards and how we can create a tailor made contract for you, please don't hesitate to contact a member of our team.

If you're looking at applying for one of our security guard positions, please call us on 01945 897377, or visit our website to view current vacancies.

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