Video Surveillance is not as effective as On-Site Security Guards for Protecting your Business

Posted 1st September 2017 by sduksilverdisc

Video surveillance is an excellent tool for keeping a site secure, but unfortunately, it's only as good as the person monitoring it. Having trained security personnel, capable of monitoring CCTV and patrolling the premises can make the difference between a costly break-in and a quiet night.

Imagine this scenario...

Someone is interested in your premises, they've noticed security cameras but no security guards. They come back that night, and notice the same... CCTV but no manned guards or mobile patrols. They continue to monitor the premises over the coming days and nights until they're confident that video surveillance is the only security measure taken at this site.

They return one night, prepared with equipment to break in. Their faces are covered and they're wearing dark clothing. It's overcast, with little moonlight - it's no coincidence that this night has been chosen. By now they are familiar with where the security cameras are facing and can easily slip through the darkness, avoiding, where possible, being caught on camera.

The next morning there's no lock to open as it's been cut and is lying on the floor. The CCTV is checked immediately, and whilst two figures can be seen breaking in and trespassing, it's impossible to make out their faces and they have avoiding being seen where possible. Police are called, but the footage is dark and the figures are difficult to describe - the only evidence to go on from the CCTV is an approximate height.

Imagine this scenario...

Someone is interested in your premises, they spend the next few evenings 'innocently' passing by. There's CCTV in place, and a security guard. The security guard is there every night, all through the night. There's a sign on the gate reading 'Carter Solutions & Services Ltd' - a quick search shows that this is a professional and competent security provider, meaning the security officer will be a highly trained individual. It's not worth getting caught.

It's up to you on whether you feel CCTV is enough of a deterrent to avoid a potential crime. But one thing is certain, having a trained security officer on-site will increase the risk of getting caught. Whether they're doing mobile patrols, manning the entrance, or monitoring CCTV, having someone you can trust at the site will either prevent a crime, or increase the likelihood of an intruder being caught at the scene. The choice is yours.

For more information on how CSS Ltd can help you maintain the safety of your construction site with our security officers, please don't hesitate to get in touch. We'd love to talk you through options that would work specifically for you and the needs of your site.

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