Easter weekend means more security support for hospitality venues across the UK

Posted 2nd April 2023 by Jessica Lee

Easter weekend is a highly anticipated weekend for all of us. It’s essentially a double bank holiday, making for a glorious 4-day weekend. This means that pubs, clubs, and bars across the UK can expect increased footfall as the majority of the UK enjoys additional time off.

Increased security for pubs, clubs, and bars

More people in your venue means a higher chance of anti-social behaviour. Our many years of experience make it easy for our security officers to recognise groups of individuals that may cause trouble. We aim to manage this proactivity, reducing the risk of these groups causing damage and disruption by people being drunk and disorderly.

Whilst the majority of individuals won’t cause any issues, sometimes a group can become too rowdy, and it will start affecting people around them. Sometimes this can lead to a larger brawl, therefore our security officers will intervene early, asking that group to leave if deemed necessary.

Having security officers on-site that you can trust keeps your staff safe and free from confrontation, and it will also help to ensure everyone else at your pub, club or bar has a great evening.

Looking after those that need it

The promise of a 4-day weekend often leads to all-day drinking sessions, and this can result in individuals pushing their limits of alcohol consumption a little too far. Part of our role as security officers is helping these people to get home safely. This might be calling them a taxi, or providing them with water should they need it somewhere quiet and away from crowds.

The safety and security of everyone at your hospitality venue is our top priority. It's this fundamental quality that's led to first aid training becoming a requirement for SIA license holders. We also support the ‘Ask for Angela’ scheme, which discretely protects those in need who use the code phrase to ‘ask for Angela’.

For information on how we can work with you to provide a quality security service at your business, please don't hesitate to get in touch with a member of our team.

Alternatively, if you're looking to further your career within the security industry, please check the careers section on our website or email us an up-to-date copy of your C.V. We never subcontract our staff, we invest in their training and we work hard to support our staff. We look forward to meeting you.

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