Anticipating the return of event security

Posted 12th March 2021 by sduksilverdisc

COVID-19 well and truly put a halt to events. It's been almost a year since the first national lockdown, and there have been no large-scale events of any kind in that time, making event security redundant. But with an estimated 70 -- 80% of the UK population on track to be vaccinated by the summer, there's a very real chance that outdoor (and indoor!) events will return once more.

This could include:

  • Sporting events
  • Music events
  • Corporate events
  • Charity events
  • Festivals

All of these would require a security presence. What that will look like remains to be seen, but it's likely both event organisers and the general public will be more aware of their safety than ever before. Our event security covers crowd control, vehicle access and exit points, car park management and conflict control.

In light of recent news, we also wanted to highlight the importance that security guards play in supporting the personal safety of members of the public too. A few years ago we wrote about the Ask For Angela campaign and how we support it. 'Ask for Angela' is a code-word campaign that can be used by people who might be feeling unsafe. All they need to do is approach a security guard and 'ask for Angela', which will subtly alert the security guard to their situation, and that they need assistance. It might be that an individual(s) is making them feel uncomfortable, or that they've been 'catfished' or bumped into an abusive ex-partner and need help managing the situation. We can then take action to help. This might be calling a taxi, escorting that individual off the premises or making a phone call to friends/family or the police. The 'ask for Angela' campaign can therefore be used to help people out of uncomfortable or even dangerous situations.

Whilst this campaign is usually associated with pubs, clubs and other night venues, there's no reason why this can't be extended to event security. Our security guards are highly trained in conflict de-escalation and in recognising the start of aggressive behaviour before it turns violent. Whilst it might be harder to spot more subtle anti-social and/or unacceptable behaviour, our security team are on hand to assist should you need them to. 'Angela' might well be in a CSS Ltd uniform ready to step in and help you, all you need to do is ask!

For more information on how we can work with your business during these unusual times, please don't hesitate to get in touch a member of our team.

Alternatively, if you're looking to further your career within the security industry, please check the careers section on our website or email us an up to date copy of your C.V. We never subcontract our staff, we invest in their training and we work hard to support our staff. We look forward to meeting you.

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