Security Guards Don’t Have A Curfew

Posted 21st September 2020 by sduksilverdisc

Those of you who follow the news closely will be well aware of the current predicament the UK finds itself in, with local lockdowns imposing a 10pm curfew on the hospitality sector in the latest attempt to reduce the spread of COVID-19. More recently, reports have been that the entire of the UK will be advised to abide by this new curfew, but there's one set of people, amongst other keyworkers, who won't be affected by these new guidelines. That's right -- security guards.

So why the curfew in the first place?

Depending on who you ask, you'll get a range of different opinions and answers when it comes to this idea of a curfew. Some joke that COVID-19 clearly behaves based on a schedule, hence the need for a 10pm deadline. But, the fact of the matter is, it's an attempt to curb the mixing of people who may -- under the influence of alcohol or otherwise -- struggle to socially distance from others.

Now, this poses its own set of questions. Surely those old enough to be out socialising past 10pm are old enough to make up their own mind in assessing the risk of COVId-19 to themselves and their social bubbles? Of course, but what about those who are trying to abide by the guidelines, and are unable to due to the actions of strangers. It therefore becomes not only a problem for that particular venue, but a national problem, hence the potential for future lockdowns.

More often than not, it falls to the responsibility of the venue owners and their security team to keep staff, customers and the general public safe. This invisible virus is still very much a threat, and whilst many of us may feel 'completely invisible' after a drink or two, COVID-19 doesn't sympathise.

This year has already been a complicated maze of rules and regulations, and this doesn't look like it will ease off any time soon. This makes it even more important for security companies such as ourselves to stay vigilant, up to date with the latest government guidelines and behave in a way that is both sympathetic to those frustrated with the ongoing social distancing guidelines, whilst still maintaining safety for everyone, wherever possible.

We understand your frustrations, and we would much rather see everyone enjoying themselves until the early hours of the morning -- enjoying the interaction with the locals and ensuring they stay safe. But, whilst we don't make the rules, we do respect them, and we'd ask that if you are out enjoying yourself over the coming weeks in a part of the country where there's a 10pm curfew, that you respect the actions of the security team and door supervisors. Together, we can beat this virus and minimise its impact on our friends and family.

For more information on how we can work with you to provide a quality security service at your business during these unusual times, please don't hesitate to get in touch a member of our team.

Alternatively, if you're looking to further your career within the security industry, please check the careers section on our website or email us an up to date copy of your C.V. We never subcontract our staff, we invest in their training and we work hard to support our staff. We look forward to meeting you.

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