How can the increase in drones affect the security of your business?

Posted 22nd October 2018 by sduksilverdisc

Drones are growing in popularity, and it's easy to see why. They're relatively inexpensive, quick and easy to set up, and with a bit of practice, they can record incredible footage of your local area. They can be used by the police to search large areas of land quickly, they're becoming increasingly popular with YouTubers and bloggers, as they really can create incredible content. Whilst there are a lot of positives for owning a drone, there is a potential concern when it comes to security and private land.

Security breaches at industrial sites

Industrial sites, whether home to one company or several are particularly at risk when it comes to security drones. Security measures at these locations often including locked gates and CCTV, yet this is not a problem for a drone should it want to explore your property out of hours. Night vision is not a problem for drones, and they can easily scan a large area of land, looking for damage around the perimeter of the site that would enable a group to gain access. They can easily spot security cameras too, using the footage of the drone to plan an undetectable route. Drones can also be used to see when staff leave, letting the perpetrator know when the site will be empty.

Keeping your construction site safe

Construction sites are typically quiet at night, with your workforce needing the daylight to get on with the job! This plays into the hands of criminals, who know they are less likely to be caught once the sun has gone down. But how do they know if breaking in is worth the effort? Simple. A drone. A drone can pinpoint the extra area they need to get to, showing exactly what equipment is worth stealing, and allowing them to plan a time and route that works to their advantage.

How can CSS Ltd help?

Our security guards are uniformed, meaning there's no mistake that there's a security presence on site. This means they act as a brilliant deterrent to crime. Prevention is always better than a cure, after all.

We can also worth with you to arrange a contract that fits your business. The might mean door supervisors, or even better, mobile patrols. Having a security presence on site that patrolled the entire area throughout the night means you can rest easy, knowing that should a pesky drone appear, the local authorities will be alerted. There are simply some things that CCTV can't pick up, and a drone is one of them. Our security guards are highly trained in what to do should something suspicious, like a drone, appear during their shift, and as such, they will be able to act swiftly and professionally to keep your business safe.

For more information on how our security officers can work with you to heighten the security at your industrial site or construction site, please don't hesitate to contact a member of our team. We look forward to hearing from you.

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