Cashino security guard of the month at Carter Solutions and Services Limited

Posted 25th March 2019 by sduksilverdisc

As a growing business, it's hugely important to ensure our security officers gain the recognition they deserve. Cashino is one of our biggest clients, and we're hugely proud of the work we do with them, and as such their security presence has to meet specific requirements necessary for any licensed gaming venue. 

Due to the specific nature of the work at Cashino sites, Nick Carter wanted to personally recognise one particular security guard:

"The month of February was an incredibly busy month where all Cashino guards, Nationwide, were under high demand to cover additional shifts. Numerous guards excelled and really showed their passion and support to the ever increasing growth of CSS Limited.

However, there was one guard who dealt with last-minute site changes, extended commutes to and from sites and of course representing my company with his true, impeccable standards that I have become used to.

Lorinc Bogdan (Lawrence), I sincerely applaud you for your work ethic and passion for the success of my company. You deserve all the Kudos here. Well done and thank you again for your truly superb commitment to our standards, representation and professional drive of CSS Limited."

Offering a nationwide security service to all of our clients creates a number of challenges. We have worked hard to put systems in place to overcome them, detailed below.

  • Remote management

Having nationwide clients can be a challenge, so its paramount that we can effectively manage and organise our security presence in multiple locations. We have invested in a remote management tool, Deputy, to help overcome this. This allows us to monitor shift times, ensure our security officers check in and check out according to their contract and it allows us to ensure staff welfare, such accurately recording overtime and ensuring they take regular breaks.

  • Ongoing training

We work with a number of different industries, not just licensed gaming venues, and this means training needs to be tailored to the needs of the client. It also allows for professional development within our team, something we value incredibly highly at CSS Limited.

  • Excellent reporting

Reporting allows both the security officer on site, the management team here at the head office in Wisbech, and the client themselves to understand exactly what goes on during each shift. This can highlight any potential threats, ensure things like boundaries are maintained and secure, and it could be used as evidence should something happen during our watch.

  • Exceptional standards

We pride ourselves on our reputation, and we will never let standards slide despite offering a nationwide service across the UK. We have nearly 30 years of experience in the security industry and as such understand exactly what we need to do to maintain exceptional standards.

For more information on how we can provide a quality security service at your licensed gaming venue, please don't hesitate to get in touch.

Alternatively, if you're looking to further your career within the security industry, please check the careers section on our website.


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