Being a woman in the security industry

Posted 18th September 2018 by sduksilverdisc


Think of security officers, and you'll probably imagine a 6 foot, wide-shouldered gentleman with a stern impression and smart uniform. That's the stereotype, and my goodness it couldn't be more wrong! (Except for the uniform, of course.)

Whilst it's true that the security industry is male-dominated, it does not mean that you need to be a man to be a security guard. In fact, being a woman is an advantage in the security industry, and here is why.

Women and men think differently.

We are NOT being sexist with the above title, and we certainly aren't generalising. In fact, it simply comes down to diversity. All people, regardless of sex, think differently and a diverse workforce means a higher chance of business success. You'll be able to gain information from your team and implement it in a way that other businesses might not. You'll have a team that can find strength in each other and appreciate each other's differences. A diverse workforce promotes creativity and forward thinking. Isn't that something every business would benefit from?

Women have just as much support as men, if not more.

Did you know that there are several networking groups within the security industry, specifically designed for women? In fact, the SIA (Security Industry Association) developed the Women in Security Forum:

"The Women in Security Forum will support the participation of women in the security industry. Through programs, professional development and networking events, the committee will engage members, both men and women, who share this goal." -- SIA

In any job, in any sector, it's hugely important to have networking opportunities, and the security industry is no different.

There are security contracts more suited for women.

Perhaps the contract is for a girl's only school, or maybe the contract is for a female-lead business. There are plenty of reasons why a woman might be more suited to a specific contract. Each of our client contracts at CSS Ltd are carefully deliberated over to ensure the right security officer, with the right experience and skill set, is assigned. A security officer's biological gender is of little significance when it comes to determining who would be the right person for the job.

We are fully aware that the security sector is currently a male-dominated field, especially when it comes to security officers. At CSS Ltd we offer extensive training to ensure each and every member of our team is prepared, qualified and comfortable in their role. We offer career advancement and plenty of opportunities to those that want the next step in their career. For more information on working with CSS Ltd, please don't hesitate to get in touch. We look forward to hearing from you.

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